Thursday, May 3, 2012

Strategies for Math Problem Solving

The key to solving math word problems is to have a plan or strategy, which works in any math word problem solving situation. For children having problems with math word problems, the following 12 tips are provided for helping children become good problem solvers.
  1. Read the problem carefully looking for clues and important information. Write down the clues, underline, or highlight the clues.
  2. If necessary, rewrite the problem to help find these clues.
  3. Look for clues to determine which math operation is needed to solve the problem, for example addition, subtraction, etc. Look for key words like sum, difference, product, perimeter, area, etc. They lead to the operation needed to solve the problem.
  4. Look for what is needed solve the problem, for example: how many will are left, the total will be, everyone gets red, everyone gets one of each, etc.
  5. Use variable symbols, such as “X” for missing information.
  6. Eliminate all non-essential information by drawing a line through distracting information.
  7. Draw sketches, drawings, and models to see the problem.
  8. Is the word problem similar to a previous work, if so how was it solved.
  9. Develop a plan based on the information determined to be important for solving the problem.
  10. Carry out the plan using the math operations which were determined would find the answer.
  11. Does the answer seem reasonable, if it does then it is probably ok – if not then check the work.
  12. Work the problem in reverse or backwards, starting with the answer to see if you wind up with your original problem.

Math Problem Solving Help

Read more at Suite101: 12 Tips For Solving Word Problems: Teaching Children How to Solve Mathematics Problems |

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